Trust: All the knowledge of Europe’s leading AI Initiative embedded
Expertise: Always made with the latest and state-of-the-art AI-technology
Enterprise-Ready: Our partners are world’s leading companies, our tools are designed for most professional use of AI
Comprehensive: Our tools follow a portfolio approach and cover all relevant aspects of the AI journey. appliedAI is your central partner for AI
Secure: We care about latest technologies. Our tools similarly work with state-of-the-art

appliedAI Use Case Management is a robust tool for efficiently managing your expanding AI use case portfolio.
It identifies and prioritizes high-value data and AI cases. It also promotes innovation by encouraging idea-sharing and project initiation across different departments.

The Maturity Assessment is a crucial first step for companies looking to implement Artificial Intelligence.
Developed by the appliedAI Initiative, not only does it help organizations evaluate their current level of AI adoption, but it also uncovers development opportunities.